Transcript: Steve Winwood Live Chat With Fans
December 13th, 2005
Steve Winwood conducted a live chat with fans on Friday, December 16 at 5 pm GMT.
Below please find a transcript:
Paul_Minkkinen: Last Christmas you mentioned that you were to release a live album, is that still going to happen, also are you going to do any Uk dates next year, we missed you !
swinwood: We have it mixed and ready to go but are just waiting on the outlet. As far as performing in the UK next year, I'm recording a new record so depending on how quickly that goes will determine how much and when i will tour Europe next year. I loved playing in England and Europe and do want to focus on those territories more in future.
Brummie: What is the origin of the Traffic logo The 4 arrows chasing each other. I have followed Traffic as a Born & Bred Brummie from the start and I am thinking of having it Tattooed!!!
swinwood: It is variation on a mythological Tibetian symbol representing life and rebirth. Where are you going to have it tatooed and do I really want to know?
no1fan: You are know to enjoy a wide variety of musical genres. Do you listen to and enjoy rap/hip-hop? If so, which artists?
swinwood: I like Welsh rap particularly in the 'mother tongue' like Goldie Lookin Chain and I like Guru and I like a bit of drum and base LTJ Bukem
Cynthia: Stevie ..If you ever retired < God forbid> where would you retire to?
swinwood: Wales
Gunter: By the way where and how do you spend Christmas?
swinwood: At home with my family
baz3333: Hi Steve, Geordie Baz here (in Austin TX!) Although I have enjoyed every gig I have seen you play My fave is the Barlecorn Line up of you, Jim and Chris. Which line up have you enjoyed most if any?
swinwood: I am particularly fond of the Traffic trio because it was a very pure representation of the essence of Traffic having said that, the addition of Reebop, Rosko and of course Muscle Shoals rythm section also represented Traffic's music well
Paul_Minkkinen: You wrote a lot of the lyrics on About Time. Steve is this a trend you are likely to continue on your new album, and are there any plans to work with other lyricists
swinwood: I am branching out to this area a bit more, especially in my writing with Jose Neto. I am working with a lyricist as well and therefore writing the music as well.
tonewheel: Hello Steve. Great to talk with you. As a long time B3 player myself, I am curious to know what drove your decision to play with a single-speed versus a two-speed Leslie.
swinwood: Good question. When using leslies without a brake, I feel that having to choose between stationary and slow, I prefer stationary because it gives the bass more depth and solidity however, when playing organ without the bass, I would certainly utilize chorale
Berkin: Hi There Steve!!!, Can we expect some new musicians working with you and Jose for the New Album?, Can we also expect yet another Cover Song in it? and When do you plan on releasing it?
swinwood: I'm afraid I can't be specific at the moment about who will be working on the next record, but yes there will be different musicians than those that played on About Time. I am always on the lookout for a great song to cover and I'm looking at a few now. Not sure but approximate release may be Summer 06. It is a bit too soon to know.
Clapton.pl: Have you got any plans for Blind Faith reunion?
swinwood: Not at this present time
noah: You are great on the pedals for bass...but are you going to bring in a bass player for the new album
swinwood: It is quite possible that on the new album, I will not stick exclusively to the Hammond organ and so that opens the door for a bass player
Eddie: Hi Steve. Congratulations on what has clearly been a busy year with gigs and new releases. my question is about one of those releases being the LGTJ DVD. ISome of us sourced from the USA and found that the sound was in Mono. My question is : has this now been corrected and in my case ( and i guess that goes for others too) how would you suggest that we go about getting a replacement. For me, because i live in the UK it would be a more involved process.
swinwood: You are correct that the original NTSC was in mono. The PAL version is in stereo and 5.1. I have been told that future runs of the NTSC will also be in stereo. As far as a replacement goes, I'm not sure how that process will work at the moment.
tonewheel: Your Mellotron work on Dream Gerrard was some of the finest I've heard. Do you/did you enjoy playing that instrument, and do you currently own one?
swinwood: Thank-you. I don't own a mellotron although I do own several vintage keyboards but happen to be good friends with a mellotron collector.
elliottb75: Do you ever get to Africa. Is there any influence you get from there? If you do get down there where is your favourite place?
swinwood: I have never been there aside from Morrocco. As regards to influences, I love listening to African music and am certainly influenced by the many different styles of African music. Most recently Vusi Mahasela who comes from S. Africa
Brummie: Are U still following Football and which team do you support (Aston Villa?)
swinwood: Yes W. Bromwich Albian and Cheltenham town (Cheltenham for the cup!)
no1fan: What books have you recently read?
swinwood: H V Morton's Dicovering Wales and Discovering England and several books by Robin Heath and I've occasionally been wading through A Brief History of Time (not much fiction I'm afraid.)
June: With your interest in spiritual music, would you consider releasing a gospel album, or writing an oratorio?
swinwood: I would certainly consider both of those but have other commitments at the moment
alan: I was wondering what you see as Jose Neto's influence on your continued musical evolution?
swinwood: Jose's music has a wonderful mix of Brazilian, Jazz, Rock, and Folk. I have always been interested in combining these with different kinds of ethnic music and his music fits in
tonewheel: Steve, I have had this question in the back of my mind for some time (since back in the day when we'd listen on headphones and read an album cover over and over and over.) Where was the duotone cover photo of the band shot for the Blind Faith album?
swinwood: In Eric Clapton's house where we were rehearsing at the time
Rico41: Hello again, Steve. As a big Traffic fan I've collected some out of the ordinary recordings, such as Jim Gordon rehearsing "Hard to Find a Friend" with Jim Capaldi and a great live performance in Germany of the "Eagle Flies" version of Traffic. The "Last Great Traffic Jam" release is great, Is there any chance we'll be seeing any more unrelesed Traffic material?
swinwood: No I will have to leave that to the bootleggers
ian: Hi Steve. Your albums have had some amazing artwork over the years. Which has been your favourite and how important are the sleeves to you?
swinwood: It seems to me that the sleeves had more impact when music was released in vinyl format because of the sheer size but the artwork should compliment the music. I have several favorites but 3 that come to mind are Low Spark, Arc of A Diver, and About Time
Glad_I: Were you able to catch any of Creams' reunion shows? If so, what did you think of their performances?
swinwood: Yes I saw the Albert Hall and thought it was great.
jack: have you thought about doing a podcast
swinwood: Hopefully in the new year this will be a regular feature on our website and iTunes, and hopefully it will entertain you all
Paul_Minkkinen: I love the way that "Back In The High Life" has evolved musically in your live shows, any chance that the mandolin might feature on the new album ? Here's to a cheltenham v. brentford cup final
swinwood: I'll keep that in mind and look out Brentwood
Cynthia: Hey Steve, On the LGTJ yu are telling a guy how to make your tea. He ask's you Earl Grey and you said NOOO thank you pretty strongly. What kind a tea do you favor?
swinwood: PT Tips
We'll be answering questions for five minutes more...
no1fan: What was the most recent movie you've watched?
swinwood: Elf
baz3333: with all your world msic influences and your association with Will Jennings as well as living part of the year in Nashville, have you ever considered a country influenced album, or country blues?
swinwood: Although I don't plan on making a country album, I have been influenced over the years by various music from which country music has derived, bluegrass, old time folk etc which in turn of course has derived to a certain extent from European folk music.
ian: Do stone circles and ancient sites still hold an interest for you - i'm thinking of Roll right stones and the Traffic photos at the Uffington White Horse
swinwood: Yes I am very interested in these prehistoric sites and their various alignments, ratios and measurements. I mentioned Robin Heath earlier tonight and I would recommend any of his books on this and related subjects.
Clapton.pl: What you think about bootlegs and bootleggers?
swinwood: As long as they buy my music as well, I don't mind
no1fan: Do you have an iPod? What's currently in your playlist?
swinwood: Everything from Jerry Lee lewis to Miles Davis to Goldie Lookin Chain and it also has much Hammond organ music, Charles Earland, Dr Lonnie Smith, Jack McDuff etc.
jack: which comedy programs do you like
swinwood: Extras and Soccer AM
Veronica: Many of your songs reflect your love of the countryside - do you have time to get involved with conservation projects on your own farm?
swinwood: Yes I am involved in several including tree planting and grassland reversion
swinwood: Thank you all very much and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.